Sunday, April 1, 2012

Jeremy's New Work Phone!

Jeremy got his new work phone last week, the Samsung Galaxy S II, and would like to tell you about it!

My work phone up until last week was a Blackberry. It has been very frustrating in the past with multiple pocket dials a day that both my Dad and Brother can attest to. Unless you specifically press the lock key, the buttons are free to dial who they please as they travel around in my pocket. Also the freezing up and having to do a battery pull at least once a week along with the pain in the neck trackpad I had to deal with caused a lot of other frustration as well. 

Now my new Samsung Galaxy S II, in the week I have had it has been amazing compared the Blackberry. It automatically locks the screen so no more accidental pocket dialing! Plus I LOVE the touch screen! I couple of months ago I got an iPad from a drawing through work. In that time I have gotten so used to using the touchscreen that when I would use my Blackberry, I would find myself trying to touch the screen, but it for some reason did not work. LOL Well now I finally have a touch screen phone and I cant seem to put it down unless I'm at work. So even if it could pocket dial like the Blackberry could, it wouldn't have the chance! :)  The only thing that I have to complain about the new phone is that when we switched over, we not only switched phones, but we also switched carriers. Instead of being with Verizon, we are now using AT&T. So far the coverage seems to be sufficient, almost as good as Verizon. The customer service is another issue though. Out of all the times I have called into Verizon, I have never been on hold and even when I call in about my work and any issues I may have with it, they have always been willing to help me get things resolved. My very 1st time calling into AT&T I was on hold for over 10 minutes before I finally got through. And when I called in to ask a few simple questions, they could answer very basic stuff, but for the most part, they told me to work through my company to get the answers I was looking for. They seemed very unwilling help me with anything unless they had to. But I'm hoping that with this new phone, I won't have to call in as often as I did with the Blackberry. It was not the best of phones to have. I definitely would not have chosen to use the Blackberry if it had not been given to me as a work phone. 

So overall, I love the new phone and the only thing I would change is who we went through as our carrier, but we were able to keep the same numbers that we had with Verizon, so that was good. I love the Android operating system and I don't know if I said this before, but I LOVE THE TOUCH SCREEN!!! I love my new phone!

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